Il Ceo


Davide Andreatta, after a few years of experience with our own Il Moralizzatore, decided to start his solo project and with the 2020 harvest he bottled his eighth vintage; a path that we have been following for several years and the fruits of which we are very proud to bring to the United Kingdom.

Davide farms several plots located in the municipalities of Breganze, Fara Vicentino, Mason Vicentino, Sarcedo and Zugliano in central Veneto; lands where people have been growing vines for at least a thousand years. Here, the vines surrounded by the Prealps are planted over volcanic rocks (basalt and tufo) and glacial morainic deposits, between two and three hundred metres above sea level. 

Vineyard work is done by hand, biologically and with the use of biodynamic preparations and green manure to enrich the vitality of the soil. To prevent possible vine diseases, Davide uses small amounts of sulfur and propolis.

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