New from Il Ceo

October 2023

It's time to introduce the latest releases from Davide Andreatta, who we all know as Il Ceo. 

Since 2013, Davide has been farming a handful of vineyards within the quiescent towns of Breganze, Fara Vicentino and Sarcedo. Surrounded by the scenic Venetian Prealps, the fruitful hills of volcanic origin are composed of dark basalt and tufo, rich in iron and silex, and glacial morainic deposits. 

The varieties Davide farms with meticulous care are the local Vespaiola and Groppello alongside Merlot and Pinot Nero. Through a massale selection, he has recently introduced some native ancient varieties, Pedevenda and Ottocai. Massale selection involves the propagation of new vines from cuttings of old, healthy, and genetically diverse vine stock within the same vineyard, ensuring the preservation of unique and local genetic traits.

The long-awaited wines show a rise in density and depth, reflecting the maturity achieved by the winemaker. From the vintage 2021, we received the iconic Rosato and Vespri Frizzante, the new white Togo, a tiny amount of the outstanding Vespri Orange Label and a few magnums of Pigri and Groppea. The 2022 Toro completes this brilliant line-up.

Learn more about the producer
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