A portrait of Raffaella and Elio

June 2023

Raffaella and Elio, wonderful people and dedicated dairy farmers, will be present in spirit at our trade tasting next Tuesday.

They reside on the eastern side of the Lessinia Natural Park, in the quaint hamlet of Contrada Brea, which boasts only five inhabitants and houses crafted from stones and wood sourced from the surrounding forest. Our visits to the couple during our trips to Veneto always feel like stepping back in time.

Raffaella, who inherited the art of cheesemaking from her father, produces cheese without using additives or preservatives like the Gaiga family have done for centuries. As a hobby, Elio makes salami and soppresse from a small team of pigs he feeds with uncontaminated grains, vegetables and whey from cheese production.

Sharing this little gem of the Italian countryside is a true privilege. That's why, next Tuesday, we will be serving some of the products from this remote and almost undiscovered reality.

Learn more about the producer
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